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March is colon cancer awareness month [Video]

Colon Cancer

March is colon cancer awareness month

March marks Colon Cancer Awareness Month and The Christ Hospital wants to remind you to get a colonoscopy. The American Cancer Society’s new recommendation decreased the screening age. Now adults need to schedule a colonoscopy when they hit 45. Experts say colon cancer is one of the most preventable cancers if you catch it early. One doctor we talked to said getting a colonoscopy is easy, the worst part tends to be the preparation. “A colonoscopy prep is far more comfortable than surgery or any advanced treatment that needs to be done once a cancer is detected, so get your colonoscopy. know when you should get it, talk to your family about your history, and don’t be afraid of the exam,” said Dr. Janice Rafferty, Chief of Colorectal Surgery, The Christ Hospital Network. If you have a family history or symptoms, you might want to get an exam even earlier than 45. Rafferty says the most common symptom is often nothing, which is why colonoscopies are so important. You should also watch out for things like bleeding, pelvic pressure and cramping.

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