Brain Cancer

After receiving his own cancer diagnosis, man walks across Nebraska for Cozad girl with cancer [Video]

In 2021, Jim Hickey started a walk across Nebraska for a Cozad girl with cancer, but stopped short of his goal when the 62-year-old discovered he himself had cancer.

After undergoing treatment for bladder and kidney cancer, Hickey finally walked the last mile of his journey Saturday. He finished the walk at Children’s Nebraska in Omaha, where 7-year-old Paishence Hansen has received treatment for her pediatric brain cancer.

“I said to that little girl and her family that one day I was gonna come back and finish her walk. And two years, three months and five cancer surgeries later, I did,” Hickey said.

‘I just decided that I was gonna walk for her’

Hickey first heard about Paishence after he finished a walk from Cheyenne to Denver for a 21-year-old with cancer. He was at a bar in Fort Collins sharing his story when someone told him about her.

“I …

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