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Beating colon cancer by catching it early [Video]

Colon Cancer

Colon Cancer kills about 1,000 Americans every week. But it doesn’t have to.

As a young father, Mark Seguin was only 35 years old when he felt abdominal pain. But cancer didn’t cross his mind.

“I just thought I’d eaten something bad. Something that didn’t agree with my stomach.”

Then he thought it was appendicitis. But his theories weren’t as important as his willingness to listen. First to himself.

“One thing I like to say about that concept is the concept of listening to your body while it’s whispering to you, so you don’t have to deal with it when it’s screaming at you,” said Seguin.

FOX 13 caught up with Mark at Alta View Hospital where Intermountain Health displayed a memorable prop – as funny as it is important.

“During the month of March, the giant inflatable colon will be touring around Utah, and I think some parts of Idaho,” said …

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