FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III

Dr Jack Kruse explains the REAL Causes of Melanoma [Video]

Skin Cancer

Dr Jack Kruse explains the REAL Causes of Melanoma

‘Ask yourself, why is every skin cancer associated with a low Vitamin D level when we know Vitamin D is only made from UV light between 312 & 320nm?’ Dr Jack Kruse points out the flaws in the centralized narrative surrounding causes of skin cancer, covering the endogenous production of UV light in cellular signalling, Vitamin D deficiency association with skin cancers, deuterium in seed oils, isolated blue light stimulation of melanocytes, and epidemic of over-diagnosis by Dermatology and more.

Referenced works:
Alexander Gurwitsch & biophotons- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Gurwitsch

Light in shaping life: Biophotons in biology and medicine by Roland van Wikj – https://www.amazon.com/Light-shaping-life-Biophotons-medicine/dp/9081884328

RHP #58 Gabor Somlyai – https://youtu.be/Hle8lv4ab30?si=KeQjnPEn6Nxy9s8O

RHP #59 Richard Weller – https://youtu.be/wGxojTJsrOA?si=zifsot_bAouoYiDx

RHP #21 Jack Kruse – https://youtu.be/Ln3WszTq0uA?si=szvUkk39_Gv6xDgz

The Rapid Rise in Cutaneous Melanoma Diagnoses Welch, Mazer, Adamson NEJM 2021- https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsb2019760

This is an excerpt from the following podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-jack-kruse-light-water-magnetism-the-sacred-cows/id419458838?i=1000650873463

#skincancer #bcc #scc #melanoma #sun #solarcallus

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