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‘Game-changer’ cancer jab offers hope of a cure as NHS launches trial of vaccines that ‘destroy melanoma’ [Video]

Skin Cancer

THE world’s first personalised mRNA cancer jab for melanoma is being tested in British patients.

The “gamechanger” mRNA jab also has the potential to stop bladder, lung and kidney cancer.

Dr Heather Shaw with Steve Young, one of people involved in the NHS trialCredit: PA

It can be custom-built for individuals using the specific genetic makeup of their tumour – giving it the best chance of a cure.

The Covid-style vaccine, which can be made in just a few weeks, works by telling the body to hunt down cancer cells and stop them from coming back.

Early results of the jab – developed by pharma giants Moderna and MSD – found it drastically reduced the risk of cancer coming back in skin cancer patients.

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH) is leading now leading the final phase of trials of the therapy,

Dr Heather Shaw, co-ordinating investigator of the trial, said it was “one of the most exciting things …

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