Breast Cancer

Google Gemini is ‘the tip of the iceberg’: AI bias can have ‘devastating impact’ on humanity, say experts [Video]

Substantial backlash against Google’s Gemini artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot has elevated concern about bias in large language models (LLMs), but experts warn that these issues are just the “tip of the iceberg” when it comes to the potential impact of this tech across industries.

The rapid advancement of AI has led to significant advancements in various fields. It can help analyze medical imagery like mammograms and X-rays, accelerate the development of new drug treatments, optimize energy use and assist businesses in making informed decisions based on sorting large quantities of data.

However, the adoption of AI by governments and corporations for its problem-solving capabilities has also been met with considerable caution.

Adnan Masood is recognized as Microsoft Regional Director and MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for Artificial Intelligence by Microsoft. As Chief Architect of AI and Machine Learning at UST, he collaborates with Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab and MIT CSAIL, and leads a team of data scientists and engineers …

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