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Melanoma | Meet The Professor: Optimizing the Management of Melanoma [Video]

Skin Cancer

Melanoma | Meet The Professor: Optimizing the Management of Melanoma

Featuring perspectives from Prof Georgina Long, including the following topics:

• Introduction: (0:00)

• Journal Club with Prof Long – Part 1 (7:56)

• Case: A man in his mid 70s presents with bilateral painfully inflamed red ears and is diagnosed with BRAF V600E-mutated metastatic melanoma — Joanna Metzner-Sadurski, MD (27:19)

• Case: A man in his early 70s with past medical history of diabetes, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and several skin cancers is diagnosed with BRAF wild-type Stage IIIA melanoma — Helen H Moon, MD (32:52)

• Case: A man in his late 50s with past medical history of Stage III melanoma and multiple metastatic recurrences responds to single-agent pembrolizumab — Warren S Brenner, MD (43:02)

• Case: A man in his mid 70s develops metastatic recurrence of melanoma after relatlimab/nivolumab on clinical trial and pembrolizumab therapy for Stage III BRAF V600K-mutated melanoma — Priya Rudolph, MD (50:48)

• Case: A woman in her mid 30s with a personal and family history of melanoma develops multiple axillary nodes with BRAF-mutated melanoma without a primary lesion — Dr Moon (58:18)

CME information and select publications (http://m.researchtopractice.com/MTPMelanoma23/Video)

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FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II