Colon Cancer

Mom and Daughter Diagnosed with Colon Cancer 10 Days Apart [Video]

A U.K. mom and her daughter were diagnosed with cancer just ten days apart — and now they’re hoping to raise awareness about the importance of continuing research.

Catherine Tudor was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in 2022. Ten days later, her daughter, Rihannon, was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, the BBC reported.

“When my mum told me, obviously as upset as I was with her diagnosis I remember thinking, ‘Well, she’s probably got the bad luck and I’ll be okay,’ ” Rihannon told the outlet, adding, “What on earth would be the chances of us both being diagnosed with the same cancer within a week of each other?”

Not only was the Cheltenham, England, resident given the same diagnosis, but her condition “wasn’t great.” Per the BBC, she had more than 20 tumors in her liver and lungs. She also has been undergoing biweekly chemotherapy and other treatments to keep her cancer from spreading.

An IV in a hospital (stock photo).


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