Skin Cancer

National Safe Sun Week (May 19th to May 25th) [Video]

National Safe Sun Week is a special time dedicated to educating people about the dangers of too much sun and how to stay safe.

Held in the last week of May, right before the Memorial Day holiday, it marks the beginning of summer. This is when folks often start spending more time outside.

The goal is to make everyone aware of the need for sun protection to prevent skin cancer, which is the most common type of cancer in the United States​​.

This week, there will be a big push to spread the word about the importance of using sunscreen, wearing hats, and finding shade.

Experts want to fill in the knowledge gaps about skin protection. They remind us that anyone can get sunburned or develop skin cancer, regardless of their skin color. Surprisingly, skin damage can be harder to spot on darker skin, making it crucial for everyone to …

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