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The Secret to Saving Your Skin [Video]

The Secret to Saving Your Skin

Have you ever wondered why sunscreen has been recently BOOMING on social media and in the health and beauty industry? That’s because people are beginning to realize how important it is to wear sunscreen to reduce risk for skin cancer and pre-mature aging.

The image of the truck driver who aged on one side of their face went VIRAL. Many beauty influencers, and dermatologists have helped circulate this image around the globe.

The image took flight because we want to look young, and we want to be healthy, which is why we can by first understanding why we NEED sunscreen to be apart of our everyday skincare routine.

So, if you’re going to have fun in the sun, remember to be sunscreen safe.

This video was made by McMaster University students: Angela Khong, Darren Sajeevan, Asim Shaikh, and Aanshi Vashisth in collaboration with the Demystifying Medicine McMaster Program

#sunscreen #skincancer #aging #wrinkles #tumor #SPF


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This video is provided for general and educational information only. Please consult your health care provider for information about your health.

Copyright McMaster University 2023

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