Brain Cancer

The Strange True Story Behind Instagrams Worst Con Artist [Video]

Fans of documentaries about scammers, this new ITV docuseries is one for you. But, dealing with day to day things such as social media, healthy eating, the wellness industry and, sadly, cancer, it’s one that hits a little too close to home. Instagram’s Worst Con Artist tells the story of Belle Gibson, a 21-year-old influencer who claimed she cured her inoperable brain cancer through healthy eating. An app, a book deal and countless television appearances later, the deafening alarm bells finally started being heard. But how did we get to this point? Here’s the unsettling truth behind Gibson’s scam, plus what she’s up to now.

The Truth Behind Instagram’s Worst Con Artist

What Is Instagram’s Worst Con Artist About?

Instagram’s Worst Con Artisttells the inside story of Belle Gibson, a 21-year-old influencer who claimed she cured her inoperable, terminal brain cancer through wellness and healthy eating. Drawing on interviews with friends and family speaking on …

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