Pancreatic Cancer

Two recently discovered symptoms of pancreatic cancer. They can appear even a year before others. [Video]

Two recently discovered symptoms of pancreatic cancer. They can appear even a year before others.

Two recently discovered symptoms of pancreatic cancer. They can appear even a year before others.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most challenging diseases to diagnose and treat, often being detected in advanced stages, which significantly worsens the prognosis. Although earlier detection of this disease can increase the chances of successful treatment, diagnosing and treating pancreatic cancer remains a challenge for medicine. There are many symptoms associated with this condition, but recently two new symptoms have been discovered, which may appear even a year before others.

The most common symptoms of pancreatic cancer, which have been known so far, include jaundice, itching skin, lighter stools, digestive disturbances, abdominal or back pain, blood clots, and sudden-onset diabetes. These symptoms may occur due to the growing tumor pressing on neighboring organs or bile ducts and disrupting hormone production.

However, two new symptoms have recently been discovered, which may indicate the development of pancreatic cancer. By analyzing data from over 24,000 individuals diagnosed with this disease, researchers found that these symptoms often appear a year before the official diagnosis of cancer. The first of these symptoms is increased thirst, which may be caused by the tumor’s effect on the body’s hormonal or metabolic system. The second symptom is dark yellow urine, which may result from liver dysfunction associated with the growing pancreatic tumor.

This significant discovery may help in earlier detection of pancreatic cancer, which, in turn, could improve the chances of successful treatment. However, it is important to note that the presence of these symptoms does not always indicate the presence of pancreatic cancer but always requires consultation with a physician for further diagnosis and risk assessment. In case of persistent symptoms, especially if occurring together with other symptoms, seeking medical attention promptly is crucial. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to improving the prognosis of patients with pancreatic cancer.

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