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“I had Pencil Thin Stool!” My STAGE 4 Colorectal Cancer SYMPTOMS [Video]

Colon Cancer

“I had Pencil Thin Stool!” My STAGE 4 Colorectal Cancer SYMPTOMS

Raquel first noticed symptoms like pencil thin stools, pain, bloating, blood in her stool and getting full quickly after eating. But when she finally went to the doctor, she was dismissed and told “it was just anxiety.” She then ended up in the emergency room and was later diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer, and it had spread to her liver, ovaries, and lungs.

#cancer #thepatientstory #cancerstories #colorectalcancer #stage4cancer #colon #coloncancer #stage4 #crcsm #cancervlog #ColonCancerAwareness #ColonCancerStories

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