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I was Diagnosed With Stage 4 Cancer 1 Year Ago [Video]

Skin Cancer

I was Diagnosed With Stage 4 Cancer 1 Year Ago

I was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic melanoma exactly one year ago today. This was a recurrence of stage 3c metastatic melanoma that I had been in remission from for almost 4 years – not exactly the news I was hoping to get, but hey – that’s life.

One year ago, I also inadvertently started this YouTube channel and this vlog. It has been an incredible resource for me, and I believe it is helping other cancer patients and their loved ones. Each one of these stage 4 cancer vlogs provides me an opportunity to help my own mental health and share my own experiences as an advanced cancer patient who has fortunately made it to remission now.

Thank you for watching – at any point in this journey – it means so damn much to me.

Until next time.

Byyyyyyeeeeee ♥

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