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‘Im a doctor – heres what your tongue says about your health’ [Video]

Lung Cancer

Diagnosing health conditions is not an exact art. Medical professionals can only go by the symptoms the patient experiences.

Sometimes these will have an obvious link to the problem. For example, a key sign of lung cancer is a persistent cough.

However, other symptoms can be less obvious and can appear in the most unlikely of places.

One expert revealed that some symptoms can manifest on the tongue.

Speaking on her YouTube channel, Doctor Siobhan Deshauer – an internal medicine and rheumatology specialist – shared some of the signs on your tongue that require further investigation.

A doctor revealed signs of health problems that can appear on the tongue (Image: Getty Images)


If your tongue appears red and smooth this could mean you have a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Dr Deshauer said: “So first stick out your tongue and see what colour it is.

“A normal healthy tongue is pink with little bumps called …

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