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Medical Breakthrough: Using a less invasive procedure to detect brain cancer [Video]

Brain Cancer

Brain cancer is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer, and trying to find it is a very invasive and very painful process for patients.

Now, a group of doctors has developed a new method of detecting brain cancer.

Brain cancer’s survival rate can be as low as 27 percent, so doctors are quick to cut into the tumor for a biopsy.

Now, Johns Hopkins is doing something different to diagnose drawing cerebrospinal fluid from the patient’s back, and searching for abnormal chromosomes.

“If there’s a cancer growing in the brain, there is a high probability that it’s going to shed material into the water that’s bathing it, goes down through your brain, into the spinal cord, at the base of the spine. The procedure typically lasts a few minutes,” Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Professor of Neurosurgery Chetan Bettegowda said.

These chromosomal genetic misfires from the liquid biopsy …

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