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Meet Plastic Surgeon Jonathan Black, MD [Video]

Blood Cancer

Meet Plastic Surgeon Jonathan Black, MD

Jonathan Black, MD, is a plastic surgeon who specializes in providing pediatric, facial trauma, migraine, and facial feminization surgeries.
Learn more at: https://uvahealth.com/findadoctor/Jonathan-Black-1548463300
Hi, my name is Jonathan Black. I am a plastic surgeon who specializes in craniofacial and pediatric plastic surgery at UVA Health.
What attracted me about medicine? I grew up in a family of physicians, and so I was kind of always exposed to it. But I just had this feeling when I was in high school that this was what I was supposed to do. I seemed kind of naturally drawn to taking care of people, to solving problems, and to helping people in some of the difficult times of their life.
I am passionate about so many things in my practice. I love taking care of pediatric and adult patients, a large variety of problems. I love cleft lip and palate, that’s probably my favorite thing to take care of. And I like to take care of people that have difficult problems that other people can’t solve, love to manage patients with migraine headaches that can’t get relief, or facial injuries that have complex reconstructions that are needed. My final passion is taking care of people that are underserved in other countries that otherwise wouldn’t have any care. And these are the things that drive me in my practice every day.
A patient should come to UVA because we have the resources and ability to take care of every problem that we face. We can take care of complicated problems that need individual solutions, and we can take care of run-of-the-mill, or common problems, whether they’re in somebody that’s completely healthy or somebody with a lot of different medical problems. The ability to have all of your care at one place is a very important thing I think. It avoids fragmenting care and having things duplicated or missed. And so UVA is a place that you can have everything done.

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