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Moving Forward Despite a Devastating Diagnosis – A Stage 4 Colon Cancer Survivor Shares [Video]

Colon Cancer

Moving Forward Despite a Devastating Diagnosis – A Stage 4 Colon Cancer Survivor Shares

What began with unsuspecting gassiness soon escalated into a challenging chapter in Zuliati Ahmad’s life. As her symptoms progressed to include back pain, a medical examination revealed that she was facing Stage 4 Colon Cancer, which posed a threat to her liver. Despite the daunting diagnosis, Zuliati, with the unwavering support of her oncologist, Dr. Matsura, found the strength to persevere.

You can leave a message for Zuliati through our website:

#PantaiHospitalKualaLumpur #PHKL #ColonCancer #Stage4Cancer #myPHKLstory

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