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Nolan the Colon: Providence Alaska Medical Center raises awareness of colon cancer | Homepage [Video]

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the U.S. Providence Alaska Medical Center is raising awareness about the disease and a part of their campaign is an inflatable-size colon nicknamed Nolan. People can walk through it and learn.

“Well colon cancer comprises of growth in the colon called polyps. And the thought is you’re removing polyp, you stop colon cancer,” said Dr. Douglas Hahighi, a gastroenterologist with Internal Medicine Association. 

Early screening is key to prevention.

“There are several types from some blood tests to a stool studies the gold standard of the colonoscopy,” said Dr. Hahighi.

Polyps are growths within the lining of the colon and can usually be found during screening. Polyps can take 10 to 15 years to develop into cancer. And during a colonoscopy, doctors use a scope to find and remove the polyps.

“And it goes and down through the scope. And it can come, you know, wrap around the polyp,” says Sheba Discoli, a registered nurse …

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