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North Kansas City High School Orchestra performs piece inspired by 5-year-olds book [Video]

Blood Cancer

NORTH KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Five-year-old Quincy was diagnosed with Leukemia when she was three. She and her older sister, Josie, worked together to create a book that was turned into a performance.

In August, “Sing Me A Story Foundation” reached out to the North Kansas City High School Orchestra. The group creates music inspired by stories of children in need, and they found the perfect story to share with 5-year-old Quincy.

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Students at North Kansas City High School had to bring their assignment out of the classroom and onto center stage.

Jeremy Litster, a music composition student at Snow College composed the piece performed by the orchestra.

“The first time I read it and every time after just grinning from ear to ear the whole time,” Litster said.

He was given a composer’s dream. …

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