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Pancreatic Cancer #10 ● Hoping for Stage 1 ● It might be Stage 4 ● (A little emotional at the end) [Video]

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer #10 ● Hoping for Stage 1 ● It might be Stage 4 ● (A little emotional at the end)

Some of you are SUFFERING and making HARD DECISIONS. I’m really sorry. Me TOO. We’re in this together, OK?
I had an honest talk with one of my sons. (Does he and small family want my HOUSE??)

We’ll see what happens. Hard decisions. Estate planning. It SUCKS. Right?

THANK YOU thank you.
– Jim
(The Mad Camper)


#pancreaticcancer #pancreaticcancerawareness #pancreatic_tumor #pancreatic_cancer

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