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Rochester father works to pass a law to help bone marrow transplant donors in honor of his son | News [Video]

Blood Cancer

Steve Dickes was able to spend a few more years with his son thanks to a bone marrow donor. Now he is working to make it easier for people to become donors themselves and save lives. KIMT News 3’s Emma Esteb tells us how he is working to make the world more donor friendly.

ROCHESTER, Minn. – A Rochester father- Steve Dickes- lost his son, William to leukemia at the age of 15- now he is working with Congress to help bring awareness to the importance of transplants.

William was just 12 years old when he was first diagnosed with cancer. After a few years of standard treatment- staff at Mayo Clinic advised William to receive a bone marrow transplant.

the National Registry found him a match where William’s life was extended before he relapsed and ultimately decided to stop treatment. 

After William’s passing- Steve Dickes is using his son’s …

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