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St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital | Chandler Howard’s story [Video]

Brain Cancer

Chandler Howard was in high school and a member of the cross-country team when his back pain made easy tasks uncomfortable. That pain turned out to be brain cancer.

TOLEDO, Ohio — 2015 started like any other year for Chandler Howard.

“I was a freshman in high school,” he said. “The first part of the year went great. I was in cross country getting my 5K time down. Getting healthier, better, stronger.”

But after the season ended, things started going downhill.

“One of the worst things was my back pain,” he said. I could barely sit through school. I would be wiggling trying to get it under control. I would go home and lay on my back for hours until it finally went away.”

Howard and his family would see doctors, specialists and physical therapists. They were trying just about anything and hoping to get some answers.

“It was a long month of really bad pain trying to figure …

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