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Walking for Heart Health [Video]

Blood Cancer

Walking for Heart Health

An object in motion stays in motion…that also goes for our bodies. “Exercise is a panacea. It’s great for your mind. It’s great for your heart, your bones. It’s good for everything,” said Cardiologist. Dr. Malissa Wood. “Walking has so many benefits. It burns calories, it improves your blood sugar, it lowers your blood pressure, it lowers your stress levels.”

Dr. Wood said the idea of 10,000 steps a day gained popularity because of a study, but any amount can be beneficial. “A re-look at similar data has demonstrated that between 5,000 and 8,000 steps still provide significant health benefits. The goal is to get out there and do as much as you have time for and are comfortable with.”

Research also shows those who live long healthy lives get exercise throughout the day. “Importantly, it’s not only walking, but actually doing things like bending, lifting, squatting. Those things using larger muscles are also incredibly beneficial to keep our bones and our muscles strong and healthy,” said Dr. Wood.

Staying active combined with quality sleep, stress management and nutrition will help you live your healthiest life. “Whether you’re walking outside, even with a walker, or in a pool with a weight supporting belt and walking in the deep end, any type of physical activity is beneficial where you’re getting your heart rate up,” said Dr. Wood. Taking simple steps to help your heart.

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Lee Health in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of health care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For more than 100 years, we’ve been providing our community with personalized preventative health services and primary care to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.


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