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We Are Losing This Battle With Cancer [Video]

Pediatric Cancer

We Are Losing This Battle With Cancer

There has to be hope in our healing journey. We MUST feel like we can play an active role in our healing.

In order to win this war on cancer, we need to stop depending solely on the American cartel, uhhem, I mean the medical system, to help us win the war on cancer.

Instead we MUST couple conventional treatments like chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, with nutrition, detoxification, supplementation and emotional healing.

Comment ‘Free Class’ to get the link to register for my next interactive zoom for pediatric cancer families. I will be joined by Dr. Charles Penick, our Thrive Through Cancer Formula MD, as well as a few other families who are thriving in the midst of their cancer battle. We will share what is working, what has been challenging and how they have helped their child mitigate many side effects, minimize hospital stays and keep their immune system strong!

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Welcome to GIVETAXFREE.ORG - NON-PROFIT Crowdfunding Site