FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I

What Causes Pancreatic Cancer? Who’s Most Likely To Get It? [Video]

Pancreatic Cancer

What Causes Pancreatic Cancer? Who’s Most Likely To Get It?

To start, it helps to take a moment to talk about what the pancreas is, where it is and what it does.

The pancreas is an organ in your abdomen that lies horizontally behind the lower part of your stomach. It secretes enzymes and hormones that play an important role in digestion, and also help regulate your body’s metabolism.

Pancreas cancer usually starts in the cellular lining the ducts of the pancreas. Generally, pancreas cancer tends to be aggressive. It usually spreads very quickly, but symptoms don’t present until it’s in an advanced stage. For that reason, the prognosis is poor and treatment is, in the long run, ineffective.

Researchers haven’t determined yet exactly what triggers cancer to start. But once it begins, it follows the same pattern as other types of cancer. Cells develop mutations in their DNA. Cells grow abnormally and live beyond the time they should typically die and be replaced by new cells. These abnormal cells accumulate and eventually, they form a forms.

Anyone can get pancreas cancer, but there’s a higher risk among those who

* Have chronic pancreatitis, which is a prolonged inflammation of the pancreas

* Have diabetes

* Have a personal or family history of pancreatic cancer

* Smoke often

* Are obese

I hope this short video has helped you learn more about pancreas cancer. But remember, your doctor should be your only source for information of any kind related to your health.

pancreatic cancer, pancreas, pancreas cancer, pancreatitis, diabetes, smoke often, obese, tumor, cell growth, cell replacement,

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