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Woman Survives Melanoma After Having 100 Moles Removed [Video]

Skin Cancer

One woman was diagnosed with skin cancer two months after her mother died from melanoma. 

It was confirmed that Theresa Kurtz had melanoma and three severely abnormal moles that were on the brink of becoming melanoma. The now 38-year-old woman was then treated by doctors who had to remove and biopsy 100 suspicious moles on her body. 

Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer that can grow quickly and spread to any organ if not found and treated early, per the Cleveland Clinic

The American Cancer Society hypothesizes that throughout 2024, more than 100,000 new cases of melanoma will be diagnosed and over 8,000 patients will die from it. According to Affiliated Dermatologists, most adults have an average of 10 to 40 moles on their bodies, and those with 50 moles or more are at an increased risk of developing skin cancer.

Stock image of Gurney in hospital room.


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