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Medical Breakthrough: Detecting early on-set colon cancer [Video]

Colon Cancer

There has been a drop in colon cancer being found in people 50 years old and over, but a rise in the younger generation.

Brian Van Bokkelen is always embracing new things; he recently learned to play the guitar.

At 46, he also knows it’s time to stay in tune with his health.

“If my doctor’s telling me it’s time to start checking on these things, it’s time to start checking on them,” Van Bokkelen said.

Last year, he had his first colonoscopy, and fortunately, the results were good.

The recommended age for colorectal cancer screening is now 45. It was lowered due to an increase in cases in people younger than 50 in what’s called Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer.

“It is rising slowly, and steadily,” Research Scientist Dr. Thomas Imperiale said.

Dr. Imperiale says half of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer cases occur in people ages 45 to 49, but the other …

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