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University Hospital reveals return of mobile bus providing full mammography and radiology services for women [Video]

Breast Cancer

NEWARK, New Jersey (WABC) — University Hospital just re-launched its gamechanger in the fight against breast cancer.

The hospital on Thursday announced the return of it’s $1.2 million mobile radiology lab in Newark, which can do 4,000 mammograms a year. And yes, women won’t be able miss the big black and pink bus — named “Mammography in Motion” — in their New Jersey neighborhood.

“Women in the community can have full mammography services without the ability to pay,” said University Hospital Board of Directors Chair Tanya Freeman.

As of 2024, Newark has the highest late-stage diagnosis of breast cancer in the state for women of color.

“At University Hospital, 30% of the women who come to us are already in the late stages of the disease,” said surgical oncologist Dr. Susan Pories.

“There should be no single woman of the right age and right interval that should not be getting their screenings,” added University Hospital …

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