FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART III

Yaron’s Glioblastoma Multiforme Story [Video]

Brain Cancer

Yaron’s Glioblastoma Multiforme Story

Today, on Aunty M Brain Tumours Talk Show, we speak to Yaron, who shares his extraordinary journey of facing a grade 4 astrocytoma, intertwined with oligodendroglioma elements 20 years ago.

Yaron recounts the subtle symptoms that initially appeared in 2003, including frequent headaches and a peculiar incident of temporary leg weakness. Despite these signs, Yaron was deeply engrossed in his work, notably contributing to the sequencing of the SARS genome.

His life took a sharp turn when he experienced a grand mal seizure, leading to his diagnosis with a grade 4 astrocytoma, intertwined with oligodendroglioma elements, at 29 years old.

Treatment began with a biopsy to ascertain the tumour’s nature, followed by chemotherapy and radiation. Yaron’s body struggled to tolerate the chemotherapy, leading to severe side effects, including altered senses and a compromised immune system.

Despite these challenges, Yaron adopted a uniquely positive outlook, drawing strength from powerful dreams and a deep sense of purpose that emerged from his ordeal.

Yaron shares insights into his 20-year journey living with brain cancer, including periods of recurrence and the complexities of treatment. He highlights the critical role of temozolomide in his treatment regimen and discusses the implications of choosing not to undergo surgery initially due to the tumour’s location.

Beyond the physical and emotional toll, Yaron’s journey is marked by moments of profound personal growth and realizations.

Yaron also touches on the lasting effects of radiation therapy, including hearing loss and balance issues, yet maintains a focus on health and well-being, emphasizing the importance of a positive mindset and healthy lifestyle.

Impact and Legacy:

Reflecting on the impact of his experience, Yaron discusses his volunteer work in the brain cancer community, his aspirations to help others through his story, and the therapeutic process of writing a memoir.

He candidly addresses the concept of survivor’s guilt, pondering the reasons for his prolonged survival and the responsibilities it entails, including the motivation to support and inspire others facing similar battles.

Yaron concludes the episode with heartfelt advice for others navigating a cancer diagnosis. He emphasizes the power of envisioning a healthy future, the importance of finding a purpose, and the therapeutic benefits of trying new things to stimulate the brain and foster resilience.

Yaron’s website: https://www.yaronbutterfield.com/

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In 2008, I was diagnosed with an Intraventricular Meningioma (brain tumour) when I was 25. Now, I try to raise awareness and encourage others.

MY STORY – A Brain Tumour’s Travel Tale: Cards On The Table, I Pooed Myself Available on Amazon – http://amzn.eu/dgAxcpA

Any of the sites under Claire Bullimore or Aunty M Brain Tumours is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content on Aunty M Brain Tumours is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment.

FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I